July 2024
Amongst military units, it’s been a tradition going back centuries for them to have a mascot. The Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot Angus (CFAD Angus), their mascot was Turtle Ted.
CFAD Angus was originally established by Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in 1940 as 13 “X” Depot. It’s function was to supply munitions to the RCAF flying schools that had been established in Ontario and Quebec under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, including nearby No. 1 Service Flying Training School at RCAF Station Camp Borden.
I don’t have any information on exactly when Turtle Ted lived, or how old he was when he died. In fact, it’s not really known by anyone exactly when Turtle Ted died, as he was known for moving so slowly, staff at the Depot were never quite sure if he was still alive!
I don’t usually include material written by others on this web site, but this telling of the story of Turtle Ted is one exception:
The story of Turtle Ted
Written by Sergeant (Ret’d) Brian Byrne, CD
Anyone who is interested in the history of the ammo depot, might find this bit of trivia entertaining.
Many year ago, a large turtle used to roam the various roadways within the “X” (explosives) area. Members of the depot staff considered him as somewhat of a pet and affectionately named him “Turtle Ted.”
Personnel observed him on a daily basis as he slowly made his way from place to place, always being extra cautious when they were driving, so as not to strike him. It is somewhat unclear as to exactly when the poor little fellow did finally pass away from old age.
Staff members at the time felt it was only fitting to bury him inside the “X” area that had been his home for so many years.
Turtle Ted was put to rest by a small concrete post that bears his name, near the intersection of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue.