Bruce Forsyth served in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve from 1987-2000, with two years on full-time Reserve Force Status, as a Naval Signalman and Military Policeman. He served with units in Toronto, Hamilton & Windsor and worked or trained at HMCS Naden (Esquimalt), HMCS Stadacona (Halifax), Camp Petawawa, Camp Barrifield (Kingston), RCAF Station Downsview, Camp Borden, Burwash Training Area and Camp Meaford.
In civilian life, Bruce served as a police officer, and briefly a federal corrections officer, from 1996-2017.
Bruce is a published writer, with numerous articles that have appeared in newspapers and magazines across Canada, along with an entry in “ON WINDSWEPT HEIGHTS II: Historical Highlights of the Royal Canadian Air Force – 2015 Edition” (The Golden Years 1950-1964, page 55).
Bruce is passionate about the Canadian military and preserving the histories of Canadian military bases across Canada and around the world.
He also writes about and advocates for the better understanding of PTSD and other mental health issues, as it relates to police and military members, along with political commentary and “Interesting things from my travels.”
HMCS Porte St Louis in New York Harbour, July 1989. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.HMCS Porte St Louis, off the coast of Newfoundland, August 1989. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.HMCS Stadacona, July 1994. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.Exercise Watchdog Roundup, Camp Borden, March 1996. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.Camp Borden, July 1996. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.Camp Borden, July 1996. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.Junior Ranks Mess Christmas dinner, Denison Armoury, December 1995. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.RCAF Station Downsview, October 1997. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.Cleveland, Ohio, 1999. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.Toronto Police, 31 Division, April 2001. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.The author at the Canadian Police & Peace Officers Memorial wall in Ottawa, Ontario, September 2005. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.Canadian Police & Peace Officers Memorial ceremony in Ottawa, with RCMP Cst Rhonda Mann, September 2013. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.A civilian again after 3 decades. Photo: Bruce Forsyth collection.
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About the Author
Bruce Forsyth served in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve for 13 years (1987-2000). He served with units in Toronto, Hamilton & Windsor and worked or trained at CFB Esquimalt, CFB Halifax, CFB Petawawa, CFB Kingston, CFB Toronto, Camp Borden, The Burwash Training Area and LFCA Training Centre Meaford.
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