August 2020
Regarding Brian Lilley’s column in the Toronto Sun on 12 August, “Yes, the public does get to know where Trudeau vacations”:
Given that Justin is once again (Yes, AGAIN) on vacation, this time “renting” a cottage on Georgian Bay (rumour is that he’s staying at a cottage owned by the Weston family, the mega-rich Canadian family that owns supermarket giant Loblaws, a company that has received corporate welfare from the Justin’s government), I have to ask does Justin even want to be Prime Minister anymore?
Although everyone deserves a vacation once in a while, he does seem to take a lot of vacations, and more than he justifiably should be taking. Ironically, one could make many arguments as to why Trudeau should be as far away from Ottawa as possible at all times, but a responsible world leader should be in the office more that he/she is on vacation.
Then again, there are arguments as to why Trudeau isn’t a responsible world leader either……Oh, the jokes just keep writing themselves!
Seriously though, if Trudeau had any honour, he would step aside if he doesn’t want to do the job anymore, and if the Liberal party had any self-respect, they would make sure he takes a walk in the snow like his father did.