January 2024
The arrest of Rebel News reporter David Menzies by the RCMP security detail for Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland for scrumming her outside the Richmond Hill Performing Arts Centre on 8 January, should be very alarming to all Canadians. Freeland was attending a memorial vigil for the victims of the shooting down of Ukraine PS752 jetliner on 8 January 2020, when Menzies was attempting to ask why her government hasn’t yet designated the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) a terrorist organization, something they pledged to do years ago. An as-of-now un-named RCMP protective detail officer body blocked Menzies and then claimed Menzies assaulted him, something the video shot by Rebel News cameraman Lincoln Jay shows to be a complete lie. Menzies was later driven released by York Regional Police without charges.
Many falsely believe that Rebel News isn’t a real news outlet, or that they are “far-right racists,” but forget that it’s a Rebel News reporter who was arrested. Even if it was a CBC reporter, even if it was just a private citizen, no one should be arrested simply for posing legitimate questions to a politician. This isn’t the first time Menzies has been arrested for asking a politician “impolite questions” as Menzies calls them. No other reporters are being arrested in Canada for simply asking questions, just Rebel News reporters. Those in the legacy media shouldn’t just stand there and take this abuse by police and politicians, lest they be the next ones targeted.
Sources: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/rebel-news-personality-arrested-1.7078566, https://thecountersignal.com/conservatives-seek-parliamentary-investigation-into-arrest-of-journalist/?utm_source=The+Counter+Signal&utm_campaign=a694947842-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_01_09_09_56&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-a694947842-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D,