June 2024
Re: “Forcing Pride on Catholic schools isn’t diversity” (Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun, 15 June):
Although I’m conservative, I’m socially liberal on many topics, including issues related to the gay community. However, I’ve gone from having no objection to raising the Pride flag for those who wish to do so, to resenting the fact of today that if an organization doesn’t raise the Pride Progress flag (or whatever new one is out there) outside their offices and hold one high as they march at the front of the parade, that they are immediately denounced as homophobic, transphobic and a whole slew of “phobics” up to and including claims that you are a Nazi.
Unfortunately, the tolerance espoused by progressives ends where disagreement of their views, any views, begins. Even people like former Toronto Sun columnist Sue-Ann Levy, who lived most of her life in the closet, are disgusted at how political the Pride Industry (yes, industry) has become. Pride has gone from being about acceptance, to affirmation with a metaphorical gun to your head.
The Catholic Church have always espoused the idea of “hate the sin, but love the sinner” and forcing them to raise the Pride Progress flag against their religious beliefs is like asking observant Jews or Muslims to eat pork.
Sources: Forcing Catholic schools to fly Pride flag isn’t diversity | Toronto Sun.