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Political theatre at its worst

September 2017

So Premier Kathleen Wynne is threatening to sue Progressive Conservative Leader Patrick Brown for libel after he inadvertently said she is on “trial” relating to the corruption charges currently being heard against Liberal staffers in Sudbury, something he immediately corrected to say that she was only testifying as a Crown witness.  Really Premier?  Is that the issue we should be focusing on?

It’s true that she isn’t currently facing charges, but there are many in the court of public opinion who believe both she and former Premier Dalton McGuinty should be facing charges relating to the performance of the Liberal government over the past 14 years.  I guess it would be a “stretch-goal” to hope that happens some day.

Until then (or the next election on 7 June 2019, which can’t come soon enough), we will have to endue more of Wynne’s we-honed distraction techniques.

Source:  www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2017/09/13/wynne-threatens-brown-with-libel-action-over-his-sudbury-comments.html

About the author

Bruce Forsyth

Bruce Forsyth served in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve for 13 years (1987-2000). He served with units in Toronto, Hamilton & Windsor and worked or trained at CFB Esquimalt, CFB Halifax, CFB Petawawa, CFB Kingston, CFB Toronto, Camp Borden, The Burwash Training Area and LFCA Training Centre Meaford.

Permanent link to this article: https://militarybruce.com/political-theatre-at-its-worst/

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