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Poles indicate that the McWynnety Victory

June 2014

Some poles in the Ontario general election indicate that the McWynnety (sic) Liberals could win with a minority government.  Although I am a conservative supporter, I honestly have no idea if Tim Hudak is on the right track with his plans, but he should be given the opportunity to try to turn Ontario around.  How could he possibly be any worse than the Liberals?

What I do know is the province can’t keep digging itself deeper and deeper into a financial hole.  If small cuts in government spending and staffing levels now prevent massive cuts later when the province actually does go bankrupt like Greece, California and Detroit did, then I can live with that.  Most cuts to the civil service will be through attrition and over an 8 year period.  While no one likes to see cuts to social services and things like education and healthcare, even economist Don Drummond, in a report commissioned by the Liberal government, recommended massive cuts to government spending like all-day kindergarten and certain procedures from OHIP.  What garbage can is that report now?

While I certainly do benefit from the “free services” provided by our government, including all-day kindergarten, we simply can’t keep spending money we don’t have so we can provide everything to everyone.  While it’s debatable if Mike Harris cut too deep, people seem to forget that back then, some cuts had to be made, sometimes very drastic ones.  Even the NDP government under Bob Rae realized that.  How many of us remember “Rae Days”?

What will it take to convince Ontarians that the Liberals are only going to plunge us further into debt?  How many people could have received the drugs and medical treatment with the money the Liberals have flushed down the toilet with their multitude of scandals, including the most recent revelation of the $317-million bailout of the MaRS innovation and research complex, a total that could climb much, much higher.

If the Liberals do win the election, I have an idea for Donato’s cartoon the very next day, which is inspired by his Sheila Copps “butt-head” cartoon.  Danato should draw Kathleen Wynne wearing a crown and sitting on a throne, while being hoisted up by a crowd of “butt-heads” representing the Ontario voters who returned this corrupt government to power.  I sincerely hope it will be the best cartoon that Donato will never have to draw.

About the author

Bruce Forsyth

Bruce Forsyth served in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve for 13 years (1987-2000). He served with units in Toronto, Hamilton & Windsor and worked or trained at CFB Esquimalt, CFB Halifax, CFB Petawawa, CFB Kingston, CFB Toronto, Camp Borden, The Burwash Training Area and LFCA Training Centre Meaford.

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