May 2024
Thousands of police officers from Canada, America and abroad, marched through the street around Queen’s Park in Toronto in commemoration of police officers who have died in the line of duty in Ontario on Sunday, 5 May. While thunderstorms threatened to roll through the area, the rain fortunately held off for the day, the 25th Anniversary of the Ontario Police Memorial Foundation Ceremony of Remembrance.
This is an annual ceremony, held on the first Sunday in May each year.
The Ontario Police Memorial, which was dedicated on 7 May 2000, was created through the work of the Police Association of Ontario, Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, Ontario Senior Officers’ Police Association, Toronto Police Association and the Ontario Provincial Police Association.
The Memorial consists of two bronze statues, approximately 8 feet high, depicting a male officer in duty dress circa 1950, and a female officer in modern duty dress. The statues are mounted atop a large granite pedestal base. At the feet of the statues are eight cascading granite walls. The four walls on either side of the main pedestal form a horseshoe shape. The names of all known fallen officers are inscribed on these walls.
In 2024, four names of Ontario police officers were be added to the Ontario Police Memorial, two from the past year and two historical additions. Dignitaries in attendance included Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario Edith Dumont, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Ontario Solicitor General Michael Kerzner and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow.
Additions from 2023-2024:
Sergeant Eric Mueller, Russell County OPP (2023)
Detective Constable Steven Tourangeau, Perth County OPP (2023)
Historical additions:
Chief Constable Edward Lavery, Prescott Police (1928)
Detective Sergeant Thomas A Whitelaw, Metro. Toronto (1938)

Sources: History – Ontario Police Memorial Blog (ceremonyofremembrance.ca).