March 2018
In honour of Women’s Day, I wish to highlight that the many of the progressives who are embracing and fetishizing the hijab in North American society are forgetting the fact that there are women in Islamic countries like Iran who are risking their personal safety to fight for the right to choose whether they want to wear a Hijab or not, instead of having it and other garments like the niqab and the burka forced upon them by a patriarchal society.
Check out “My Stealthy Freedom” on Facebook to express your support to the brave women out there, some of whom have been arrested and imprisoned by the morality police for their failure to wear the required veil. These are the women we should be embracing, not hypocritical progressives.
- “Our generation will never beg for freedom. We will create the occasions for freedom ourselves. We will not wait for the compulsory hijab law to be repealed by itself. Instead, we will be the ones putting an end to this discriminatory law. We will not wait for our situation to improve by itself (because it won’t). We will be the ones bringing about change.” Photo and quote from My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page.
- A lone woman, Vida Movahed, waiving a white “hijab” in protest in Iran. Photo: My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page.
- Photo: My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page.
- “Today is #WhiteWednesdays in Iran let’s feel the wind in my hair. Forcing a woman to wear hijab in order to stop a man from getting provoked is an insult to men as well.” Photo and quote: My Stealthy Freedom Facebook Page.
- My Stealthy Freedom founder Masih Alinejad. Photo: My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page.
- Left – Photo of My Stealthy Freedom founder Masih Alinejad’s mother and father in pre-revolutionary Iran. Right – Mrs. Alinejad today. Photo: My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page.