Wakey, wakey rise and shine
Time to clean and time to dine
It’s been five long days
Since we all said goodbye land
And in just three more hours
It’s hello to Rhode Island
We have all chipped lots of rust
And scraped lots of paint
Well rested
Is certainly something we ain’t
We’ve all stood watch
For many an hour
And we’ all probably kill
For a really long shower
There’s been Tow Exs, fuelling
And manoeuvres by light
We’ve stood by for the Jean
Four times in one night
The weather has been good
It hasn’t rained much
We’ve had barbecues, seen statues
And cities and such
But it’s getting quite dull
We’ve had enough of the ocean
We have to get off
Stop this up and down motion
So when we have all been secured
After the C.O.s done rounds
We should all cross the brow
And pipe the ship out of bounds
Head into town
And get off of this boat
Put ourselves in surroundings
That don’t move or float
Forget the Navy, get drunk
Crash in some hotel lobby
Who cares! After all
It’s not a job, it’s a hobby
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