September 2018
To Andrea Horwath: you say that there are more important issues that the Ontario government should be dealing with instead of passing Bill 31, so why not allow the bill to go to a vote so they can get on to other business?
To all the Toronto City councilors opposing Bill 31: you are demonstrating exactly why your dysfunctional council should be cut with your petulant behaviour. Don’t you guys and gals have some potholes to fill or social housing to repair? How about the gun-toting gangs freely roaming the city? If you worked as hard at doing your jobs instead of fighting a losing battle just trying to keep yours, the city would be in a much better state.
To all those opposed to Bill 31 and Doug Ford invoking the notwithstanding clause, I have a simple solution that doesn’t involve wasting taxpayer money on endless legal challenges: just let the 25 councilor configuration go for this year’s municipal election. In 2022, Doug Ford can run on the fact that he cut Toronto Council and the Liberals and the NDP can run on restoring it to 47 councilors. Let the voters decide if cutting council has been a good idea or a bad idea.
To Premier Ford: you should immediately table legislation for a strong-mayor system, extend the registration period for candidates to register and then convince Toronto Sun columnist Sue-Ann Levy to run against Mayor Torry.