October 2022
We’re told that gas-powered cars are bad for the planet, so we all have to drive electric vehicles. We’re told that plastic shopping bags are also bad for the environment, so we have to use re-usable bags. electric vehicles have their own environmental issues, as do re-usable bags, which also have sanitary issues, and given the fact that sales of Glad Kitchen Catchers will likely increase dramatically, are we really solving anything?
Instead of governments forcing everyone into electric vehicles and using re-usable shopping bags, why don’t we just let the market decide. What happened to the freedom of choice, and that includes for the manufacturers and business owners too.
I’d like to suggest that the Sun launch an investigation into whether the affected businesses really want these changes. Oh sure, the auto manufacturers, for example, will tell you that they are all-in when it comes to electric vehicles, but would they be so enthusiastic if it weren’t for governments telling them gas-powered vehicles will be banned by 2035? Bottom line, no business is going to engage in business practices that are unprofitable.
While electric vehicles and a world free of single-use plastics may indeed be the future, there has to be a realistic alternative, and we aren’t there yet.