August 2022
Firstly, I condemn the behaviour of the man and woman who accosted Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Feeland in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Regardless of how much you disagree with a politician, that sort of aggressive behaviour is unacceptable and counter-productive. However, where is the self-awareness on the part of the Liberals?
When Catholic Churches were getting burned down in the wake of the discovery of unmarked graves at former Indian Residential Schools, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s brain and former Principal Secretary, Gerald Butts, was quoted as saying that “…it may be understandable.”
Does Trudeau (Butts) think the anger demonstrated by this couple “may be understandable,” given how his policies have been crippling Alberta’s energy industry, with the ultimate goal of destroying it, amongst many other things that have arguably not been against the best interests of Canada?
Given Trudeau’s dismissive and divisive attitude on many issues, least of which was the trucker convoy, I think we all know the answer.
Sources: AGAR: Politicians not listening to people — no wonder many are angry | Toronto Sun, Trudeau pal Gerald Butts also calls church burning ‘understandable’ | Toronto Sun.