February 2024
As we enter the annual tax filing season, it’s kind of awkward for the federal government that Auditor General Karen Hogan concluded in her report on the ArriveSCAM App that the Canada Boarder Services Agency (CBSA), Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) showed a “…glaring disregard for basic management and contracting practices…” and that the CBSA “…did not have complete and accurate financial records.” Yeah, try and pull that with Revenue Canada as a business owner or on your personal taxes and see how that goes. Miss one line on your tax form or improperly claim a business expense and you can face heavy fines and/or imprisonment.
So far, the only people facing any sort of consequences are former CBSA Director General Cameron MacDonald and former CBSA Executive Director Antonio Utano have been suspended without pay from their jobs. Let’s just hope that we see a few more people hauled up on carpet for their incompetence and still others hauled off to prison for corruption (Allegedly, for the lawyers out there!).
Sources: Auditor General Met With RCMP to Discuss Findings of ArriveCan Report | The Epoch Times.