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Ghost racetracks – The roar of engines long silenced at the North Halton Kart Klub track

March 2022

On the edge of the forested Limehouse Conservation Area, hidden by young and old forest growth, lies the remains of a long-abandoned and forgotten go-kart racing track.

This race track in the former village of Limehouse, not part of the Town of Halton Hills, Ontario, was once the home of the North Halton Kart Club. From 1959 until 1987, the North Halton Kart Club held weekly races held mostly on Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon, and sometimes on weeknights, throughout the summer months, racing go-karts ranging in power from 2.5 to 12 horse power, some that could reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

Founded in 1959 with just three members, the North Halton Kart Club rented a small plot of land from a local farmer and built their oval-shaped track on which to race. By the time the second racing season came about in 1960, membership had risen to thirty members and the racetrack was paved.

Facilities at the racetrack included lighting and sound systems, added in 1961, along with a concession stand, a small wooden grandstand for viewing the races, a timing and scoring booth, a flag marshal tower and a maintenance shed.

In 1965, a new half-mile “L” shaped track was built, encircling the original 1/10 mile track oval track

After a 27-year run, the North Halton Kart Club was forced to shut down the racetrack in 1987, when the property owner demanded the club increase their liability insurance beyond what the club was able to afford.

The North Halton Kart Club no longer exists, but the ruins of their former racetrack remains, slowly being consumed by forest and vegetation. The small wooden buildings once used by the club are slowly collapsing and the crumbling asphalt racetrack is being consumed by vegetation.

Some light and sound poles remain standing, with speakers still attached, as does the flag pole from which the Canadian flag once flew and the scaffolding that was used as a flag marshal tower.

Sources: North Halton Kart Club | Hiking the GTA, MPL002493949pf_0181.pdf (ourontario.ca), MPL002496076pf_0798.pdf (ourontario.ca) North Halton Go-Kart Club (thegeorgetownvault.com), .

About the author

Bruce Forsyth

Bruce Forsyth served in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve for 13 years (1987-2000). He served with units in Toronto, Hamilton & Windsor and worked or trained at CFB Esquimalt, CFB Halifax, CFB Petawawa, CFB Kingston, CFB Toronto, Camp Borden, The Burwash Training Area and LFCA Training Centre Meaford.

Permanent link to this article: https://militarybruce.com/ghost-racetracks-the-roar-of-engines-long-silenced-at-the-north-halton-kart-klub-track/

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