August 2020
The great punk legend Johnny Rotten famously said this at the final Sex Pistols show at the Winterland in January 1978. For Rotten, he was done with the Sex Pistols.
With the release of the Fraser Institute’s 2019 edition of the Canadian Consumer Tax Index, it’s now official that the average Canadian now pays 44.2% of income on taxes, just TAXES, more than on shelter, food and clothing combined.
That’s up a shocking 2, 246% since 1961, yet we have services that are chronically underfunded and getting worse. Sure, government costs have risen drastically since 1961, when Canada had a population of 18 million, but that’s a massive increase no matter how you cut it.
Just think of all the revenue the government would have to fund the increased costs of social programs if we were able to get out Alberta Oil Sands oil to tide water and the bigger Asian markets, rather than at a discount primarily to the American market.
Sources: https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/goldstein-taxes-do-we-get-what-we-pay-for