Published in the Barrie Advance
14 July 2008
The appointment of Dr. Henry Morgentaler to the Order of Canada has generated much controversy.
Although I would consider myself a Pro-Lifer, I think that people should look at the bigger picture. Sure you could argue that Dr. Morgentaler has killed many innocent babies, but how about thinking of all the women that he has saved from the horrors and medical complications, including death, from back-alley abortions.
While I may not agree with abortion, the fact is that some women, whether anyone likes it or not, will always seek out abortions. Why not ensure that they receive proper medical care from a qualified and responsible medical doctor? This was always Dr. Morgentaler’s point. His main concern was always that women have access to safe medical treatment when they wish to have an abortion, and he endured severe legal sanctions for his stance on abortion. Forget about the ethical dilemma of abortions; let’s think of the over-all good.
Abortion is a legal medical procedure, and although I think people should consider other options such as adoption, I do think Dr. Morgentaler is a great humanitarian and a deserving recipient of the Order of Canada.