June 2022
Congratulations Chief Ramer. You just pained the entire Toronto Police Service as racists, including black officers, whom you are effectively calling as Uncle Toms. As Jamil Javani points out in his column “I do not accept Toronto Police Chief James Ramer’s apology, 16 June,” by labeling Toronto Police as systemically racist and insisting he is making changes to correct that problem, Chief Ramer gets to claim he’s taking responsibility, without actually holding anyone accountable.
Well Chief Ramer, you’d better start holding individual officers accountable, perhaps including yourself, seeing as you have worked for this apparent racist organization for over four decades. Otherwise, you’re just besmirching the hardworking officers under your command who are not actually racist, and giving those who are a pass.
I’d find it hard going to work today if I worked under your command, Chief Ramer, since you seem to have such little faith in the good officers within the Toronto Police ranks. Otherwise, you’d name and discipline the racist officers, instead of saying it’s the system that condones it, allowing it to go on unimpeded.