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Buck a beer is about choice

August 2018

Ever since Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced that the government would allow brewers to sell their beer for as low as $1, many have openly mocked this announcement.  Some of those critics are likely not Doug Ford fans and will criticize anything Ford says, but some of them do have financial reasons for stating they will not be selling their beer for a dollar, including craft brewers who have stated their production costs simply won’t allow them to sell their beer for a dollar, while maintaining their taste standards.

For those who have financial reasons, I completely understand but for the rest: OK, then don’t sell your beer for a dollar, you snooty wankers.

Ford didn’t make it the law that all beer must be sold for a dollar; he simply gave those who wish to do so the legal right to sell their beer for only a dollar.

I completely agree with the right of any manufacturer of alcoholic beverages to sell their products at a price that will allow the company to make a reasonable profit, without sacrificing their quality standards.

This is simply about choice; the choice to produce beer for a dollar and the choice to purchase beer for a dollar.

I would also like to point out that their are many people out there who are just not that fussy when it comes to their alcoholic beverages.  Said another way, some people just don’t care about the taste; they just want to get alcohol in their system and want to do it as cheaply as possible.

I know it’s not an alcoholic product, but does anybody remember what McDonald’s coffee tasted like before they changed to a new coffee product?  Those who didn’t want to pay Starbucks prices used to drink it.  They really did.

Still don’t believe me?  Well, there’s a reason why in America there are wines such as Thunderbird, Night Train, Cisco and Mad Dog.

These “fortified wines” are controversial, with critics saying they do nothing more that promote alcoholism and public intoxication among homeless people and students who are looking for a cheap buzz.  That said, they do sell quite well because they are cheap, a perfect example of the customer voting with their wallets, though thin they may be.

Thunderbird’s motto is “The American Classic”, although I joke that it should be “The choice of winos across America.”  I always found it humorous that it says on the label, “Serve cold.” Yeah, I’m thinking that if I find myself having to resort to drinking a “fortified wine,” I’m probably not that concerned whether it’s chilled or at room temperature.

I came across an article about Night Train titled:  “I can’t believe it’s not paint thinner.”

Cisco’s motto is “Takes you by surprise.”

Do I need to say anymore?





About the author

Bruce Forsyth

Bruce Forsyth served in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve for 13 years (1987-2000). He served with units in Toronto, Hamilton & Windsor and worked or trained at CFB Esquimalt, CFB Halifax, CFB Petawawa, CFB Kingston, CFB Toronto, Camp Borden, The Burwash Training Area and LFCA Training Centre Meaford.

Permanent link to this article: https://militarybruce.com/buck-a-beer-is-about-choice/

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