February 2022
Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act is a perfect example of his failure as a leader. Invoking the modern version of the War Measures Act is a desperate act by Trudeau to save his political hide by making it look like he’s in charge and not caving in to “the mob.”
One of the provisions under the act will enable financial institutions, under the direction of authorities or under their own initiative, to freeze accounts, personal or corporate, if the institution suspects that the account holder is financing illegal blockades. That is pretty hypocritical, given all the money that flows to the environmental activists protesting our energy industry and to blockade our rail lines, from entities like Tides Foundation and the Suzuki Foundation. Apparently Trudeau sees nothing wrong with those activities.
Trudeau has politicized and weaponized this pandemic for his own political gains. Are the Canadians who voted for Trudeau happy now?
Also read: ‘Proof of failure’: Opposition parties react to Trudeau’s call for Emergencies Act (msn.com)